Red Squirrel Gallery
  • Starry Diving Hare
  • ceramic wall relief
  • Barn Owl on a post
  • Mist From Cast Crugcurig
  • Cock of the Walk
  • Vapour-Glaze Ceramics
  • Hergest Ridge from Litton Hill
  • Startled Hare

Old Chapel Gallery

Hergest Ridge from Litton Hill

Oil Pastel on Paper


Artist Joanna Griffiths studied at Hertfordshire College of Art and Design and The London College of Printing. Following a successful 25 year career as a graphic design consultant, Joanna returned to her artistic roots in 2006. Her oil pastel paintings reflect the dramatic and solitary atmosphere of the mid Wales hills where she lives, as well as post-industrial landscapes of her native South Wales.
Hergest Ridge from Litton Hill

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